Things change when we change the way we look at them

Massimo Artorige GiubilesiPersonal background

“God made food, the devil the cooks” James Joyce said. Massimo Artorige Giubilesi further enriches it: “God made food, the devil thecooks. Food technologist made them friends,combining science with experience”.

He founded G&A back in 2000, when decided to start up a consultancy firm for the Food & Hospitality world, with the very purpose of supporting the growth of SME in this promising yet complex and demanding sector.

Indeed, his life’s mission is to live the professional passion and to convey it to the others: here’s why “L’Artorige” – as many friends and clients call him – “doesn’t work, he lives”.

His busy schedule, his many projects and meetings are an essential part of his being and his love for what he does. His passion is contagious because it becomes a provocation, a trigger for improvement and success for everybody around him.

Thanks to his strong experience in directional projects, working with passion and energy, he stands out as authoritative “Food Safety & management Corporate Advisor” in both the national and the international landscape.

His innovative tried and true approach captures the industry needs and the clients’ expectations. It offers concrete and effective solutions in integrated design, process management and product improvement management training, external relations with Institutions and the Competent Authority.

The specialist consulting of the G&A Team offers public and private Organization sustainable and concrete solutions, always protecting workers and consumers’ health as well as the reputations towards stakeholders.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” 


Personal career

In his 30-year career as a Food Technologist, Artorige has developed an innovative and cross approach to governing the complex technical-scientific, economic-management and legislative issues that impact on companies operating in the food chain, institutional food service and HORECA, hospitality and wellness industry.

His professional goal is to share knowledge and skills transformed into operational expertises supporting Public Administration and Companies, through design, training and management consulting activities aimed at protecting the reputation and activities and the health of workers and consumers.

He has been appointed Food Safety Specialist Advisor EXPO2015, European Officer for school catering projects “Mangio Sano, Informato e Soddisfatto” and “Biobenessere”, Co-Designer and Tutor of “Multiethnicity and Food Safety” project for the Chinese, Arab and Hispanic-American communities, Co-author of the book “HACCP”, university “Food Service Handbook” and of various Operating Manuals for sector associations.

In 2020 he obtained the new qualification of certified professional “MSA – Manager for the Healthiness of Environments” according to the Personnel Certification Management System developed by Kiwa Cermet Italia in compliance with ISO/IEC 17024. The MSA has the task of coordinating, implementing and monitoring the correct management of the integrated service for the prevention of contamination of biological, chemical and physical origin, in order to guarantee the healthiness of work environments and those open to the public.

He is currently President of Professional Association of Food Technologists Lombardia and Liguria, President of FCSI Italian Unit (Foodservice Consultants Society International), Contract Professor at Universities, Foundations, Consortia and Schools of Higher Education, Scientific Director and Expert in Environmental Hygiene and Food Safety for leading magazines in the industry, catering and hospitality sectors.