How to protect the company’s reputation and the workers’ health?
The issue of health and safety in the workplace is a privileged area of institutional competence. For this reason, we must constantly strive to fully protect the health, integrity and dignity of the person in every work environment.
In order to ensure that workers can fully exercise their right to work, articles 1 and 4 of the Italian Constitution promote health and safety in the workplace through the activation of appropriate measures and positive actions.
Health and safety measures are designed to improve environmental conditions and reduce the possibility of accidents and illnesses to workers, collaborators and anyone in the workplace.
Companies must adopt hygiene and health protection measures, using a prevention and protection system based on training and compliance with operational procedures involving Workers, Managers, Supervisors, RSPPs (Head of the protection and prevention service) and Competent Doctors.
G&A Occupational Safety Services
It is important to rely on specialists with a broad vision of the private and public market and integrated skills in the field, such as the G&A Team. We support customers to ensure safety in every environment and the protection of workers’ health.
- Occupational and Health safety on the workplace
- Occupational medicine and health surveillance

The European Union promotes the improvement of the quality of life of workers. Italy has taken a position on health and safety with Legislative Decree no. 81/08 “Testo Unico della Sicurezza” (Consolidated Safety Act) to spread the culture of prevention.
The Employer must draw up the Risk Assessment Document (DVR), plan the prevention and protection measures and identify the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the personnel. He or she must also appoint the Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP), the Competent Doctor (MC) and the Workers in charge of executing the emergency management measures (fire prevention and first aid).
The Employer must also provide information, training, training of workers on specific risks and safety measures to be adopted.
The appointment of the Competent Doctor and the Health Surveillance is mandatory in the presence of night workers, minors, working mothers and video-terminal users as well as in the presence of exposure of workers to specific risks inherent to the specific work context.