Controlling contracting services means guaranteeing the quality of the services provided
G&A supports organizations and companies to ensure the safety of services
The Public Administration (PA) is the interface between the Italian State and its citizens. It must provide reliable services and control activities in sectors regulated by complex regulations. The application of these rules must also cope with the reality of the European market and with the technical, scientific and managerial innovations.
The territorial structures of the PA must guarantee hotel services to Schools, Hospitals, Social Welfare Structures. It must meet the needs of users with services based on the principles of quality, safety, sustainability, relying on companies selected with objective criteria of experience and reputation.
Companies that work in tender with the PA live the same level of management complexity and must provide services that comply with the law and the scope statement and are consistent with the technical project and the improvements offered in the tender competition.
The PA and the companies are both focused on the same objective of health protection and user satisfaction. For this reason, they need external specialists to support the interventions of: process requalification; interface in their relations with the Canteen Commission and the Competent Authority; evaluation of service performance and of customer satisfaction.
It is therefore essential to rely on specialists with a broad view of the market and with expertise in the field of public procurement, such as the G&A Team. Indeed, our team supports organizations and companies with consulting activities and personalized services to protect the Public Interest.
A Public Body is an entity constituted or recognized by law, through which the PA performs its function to manage goods and services of public interest.
Public and Private: what does the G&A Team do?
- Needs analysis and definition of the work programme
- Specialist participation in procurement commissions
- Management and operational training
- Design of workplaces and service areas
- Tender specifications and technical specifications implementation
- Implementation of customized food programs (schools, hospitals, nursing home cares)
- Internal audits on hotel service provision processes (catering, sanitation, maintenance, logistics)

The public catering market is worth €6.7 billion and the percentage of services contracted out to Management Companies is 95% in the labour sector, 65% in the health and social care sectors and 70% in the education sector.
It is usual for the PA to outsource services and professionalism, seeking qualified partners who provide specialist support at all stages of the process. They are looking for a full coverage, from the analysis of the needs of the community to the definition of the technical specifications, from the verification of the conformity of the services provided to the product healthiness analysis, from the training of the Canteen Commissions to the customer satisfaction monitoring.
- Environmental hygiene monitoring for health protection (prevention and control of Legionellosis, indoor air quality, hygiene of work surfaces, drinking water network)
- Food safety monitoring for health protection (food, beverages, food surfaces, food contact materials and articles, special equipment for drinking water treatment)
- Customer satisfaction surveys (customer satisfaction and mystery consumers)
- Food Safety Management Manuals implementation (HACCP Plan)
- Work safety management manuals implementation (DVR, DUVRI)
- Certified management systems design (Quality, Hygiene, Safety, Environment)
- External relations with the Competent Health Authority
- Crisis conditions and of food health alerts management.