How to make a safe and quality product?
The modern consumer demands healthy, natural and highly nutritional foods. Therefore, industrial and artisan operators must focus their attention towards research and development of products that allow exploiting the benefit of technologies in favour of superior quality in terms of hygiene, sensory and nutrition.
Industrial and artisanal SMEs understand the benefits of innovation. However, they often lack the skills and economic resources to bear the fixed costs of a constantly updated structure focused on technical-scientific activities in order to seize new market opportunities.
Hygienic, technological and nutritional evaluations carried out on refrigerated, deep- frozen or stabilised foods are essential to determine the commercial life and margins of the product, to correctly inform consumers, and to protect the brand image.
It is essential to translate new ideas into original recipes made with innovative and sustainable processes, compliant labelling and cost control, starting from the simulation and piloting phase to the actual production line, also instructing and training the staff.
G&A Research and Development Services
It is important to rely on specialists with a broad vision of the private and public market and integrated skills in the field, such as the G&A Team. We support customers with personalized services in their path to success.
- Process validation and product improvement
- Validation of labelling for commercialisation
- Realization of the format datasheets for the international market
- Assistance with the start-up and optimization of the production process

Research and development of new or upgraded products is expensive and complex and should be carried out by qualified personnel, following validated methodologies in accredited laboratories.
The reduction of waste, the efficiency of management processes, the improvement of product quality, are achieved through a process of standardization and management control. By preserving “creativity and attention to detail”, these are able to build a “corporate governance system” capable of constantly monitoring activities, intervening in the prevention and correction of commercial and operational non- conformities.